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MyWBU Store - Where Bird Feeding Meets Convenience™
Our store is locally owned and operated by folks living right here in the northeast side of Columbia. We know you care about your backyard birds and wildlife - and so do we. We're proud to provide expert advice to help you bring the joy of bird feeding into your backyard.
We thank you for shopping our store and for supporting our small business.
Enjoy (and Feed) Your Birds!
It is our goal for you to have the best possible experience from your birdfeeding hobby. Backyard birdfeeding is the most relaxing, fulfilling, educational and enjoyable hobby that anyone, young or old, can enjoy.
At Wild Birds Unlimited, in The Village at Sandhill, we aren’t just a birdseed store. We are Your Backyard Birdfeeding Specialist®, here to help bring you, your family, and nature together.
We strive to provide a great experience for you - whether you're visiting our store, browsing our website or shopping our online store. Please take your time, and explore all the nooks and crannies of the website. We update it regularly with current nature information, store events, helpful hints for attracting birds to your yard, and new items in the store. Enjoy!
We also hope you'll stop by the store often to tell us about your birds, and recent events in your backyard. Or share with us on our Facebook page!
Kyle Welte, Owner
Diane, Brian, Rebecca and Barbara - Certified Birdfeeding Specialists